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Produced by:
MRP Matila Röhr Productions

Hanna Kauppi, Marko Röhr

Music by:

Panu Aaltio

Marko Röhr

Associate Producer:

Sophokles Tasioulis


Ben  Mercer

Written by:
Marko Röhr and Antti Tuuri


Teemu Liakka


Juha Hakanen

The fells of Lapland are sleeping giants. That's what ancient myths tell us. Up in the North, they seem to have frozen into a bowing posture. One has to wonder if they know how the world was born? Do they remember? Join us to uncover their tale!


TALE OF THE SLEEPING GIANTS reveals the mythical tales which tell us of a story that began during the dawn of time on our planet, billions of years ago. It uncovers the mysteries of the ancient roots of the mountains and how they have appeared on the surface of the Earth. From the frozen shorelines to the snowy peaks of mountains, it chronicles the lives of some of its animal populations; sea mammals, feathered species, and furry companions in their struggles and efforts through the cycle of the season in the world's northern regions.

The "Tale of the Sleeping Giants" is the definitive story of the oldest mountains in the world – that we can find in Lapland.

Narrated by: Jonathan Hutchings

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